Friday, May 6, 2011


ape lhaa sala ak smpei rmai benci?? ak neh keji ekk?? ape masalah korg?? to afuza....IM SO SORRY.., AK XTAW APE YG AK DA BUAT =='' emosi ade ats pikiran ak :((((( SOORRRYYYYY~!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ohh ya?? u noe what? i've should thought it that you r really not my frendz!! u gettin' me annoyed! y intan y? tell me??? r u such a desperate gurl? tanx for everything.. y u backstab me so hurt?? y?? coz once upon a time , you're my bestie but now?? i still dont get it..
    what do u want from us?? tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    dont break our life intan.. pleez!

    tolong la.. terima kasih atas segalanya tentang kaw kutuk aku time kite still buddies . tanx sbb ko ckp aq lyn ko mcm binatang.. tanx.. tanx rampas hidop aku.. ex aku,.. bdk yg aku suke.. job yg aq ade.. n' frendz yg aq ad yg ko rmps..

    kalau ko da ready na jumpe aq..
    jumpe la..
    aq na settle cpt2 bia ta de misunderstanding lg..
    tp hanye kau dan aku la..
    kau tahu kan., aku ta suke org buad problem tp ta na settlle n' putar belit cite? mcm anis? pleez see me after diz if u had read diz comment n' ready too explain n'(debut) with me?

    .afuza anisah balqis bt heryy yanto.
    (if u still remember me)




TicTaeToe :)

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